Why Learn Lottie?
Lottie is a JSON-based animation file format that enables designers to ship animations on any platform as easily as shipping static assets. They are small files that work on any device and can scale up or down without pixelation.
In this workshop, you will learn to create, edit, test, collaborate and deploy animated graphics in the easiest way possible by using free tools including Figma, Jitter and LottieFiles. Create unique and engaging visuals to enrich your users' experiences for web, iOS, Android, Windows and more.

Intended Learning Outcomes
On completion of this workshop, learners are expected to be able to:
Explain the concept of Json animation for use in digital product including website and mobile app
Apply animation skills to compose animated graphics for enhancing user experience
Use industry standard tools to create engaging animated visual graphic
Hand-off animation design materials to development team for further product implementation

Who Should Attend
The course is intended for UX / UI designers that are:
new to the UX and UI field
new to creating UI animation
seeking to advance their career in a senior position
interested in creating engaging experience for their users
Learning Content

Participant Feedback

It's fun to be able to add visual effects to UI elements and components to make them interactive. Now, I can apply this skill to my design work.

UI animation is definitely a skill that all UX and UI designers should learn. UI animation puts static element to ‘life’ and take the interfaces to the next level.

Not only does animation guide users as they navigate through the site, it’s also vital for storytelling and creating a brand narrative.

LottieFiles enables designers to ship animations on any platform as easily as shipping static assets
It’s easier than you think, with LottieFiles you can import and preview your Lottie animation and it will generate the lines of code that you can use to implement your animations in your projects. Alternatively, you can also download Lottie animations from their community and marketplace.
Tap/Hover to See Animation

Mr. Marco Ho
UX Specialist and Digital Strategist
Proficient in managing online marketing campaigns from strategic planning to execution. Cross-disciplinary skills in Marketing, Advertising, Design and Digital Communications. Experienced in education and training in creative thinking, marketing management, digital marketing and design.
Certified Professional Google UX Designer
Lecturer, UOW College Hong Kong
Programme Leader, Digital Marketing, HKDI/IVE (2015-2018)
Deputy Programme Leader & Lecturer, Business with Design Management, HKDI/IVE (2007-2014)
External Examiner, HD in Design (Graphic Design), Department of Design, CBCC
Master’s Degree, Design Strategies, Hong Kong PolyU

Professional Recognition
On completion of this course*, learners will receive a Digital Certificate issued by DxLab Digital. Your achievement will be recognized by the potential employers, the knowledge and skills obtained from this professional courses will serve as a solid stepping stone for your career development.
*Must complete the course project and attend minimum 80% of the classes.
Workshop Detail
10% off Earlybird
Apply for this Workshop
If you have any questions related to our course, please contact our Education Specialist via WhatsApp first. Once you are certain of your enrolment, you may complete the form below: